Brow Lift / Forehead Lift
A brow lift is designed to correct all of these aging features, restoring a more youthful, rested appearance with uplifted contours and improved tone in facial skin and underlying muscle.
Procedural steps: Brow lift surgery can be performed through multiple limited incisions hidden within the hairline or through a single incision in the natural crease of each upper eyelid.
Results of a brow lift may be enhanced through laser resurfacing or a chemical peel that can further improve skin tone and surface appearance. When there is significant excess skin in the forehead, an alternate technique using a wide incision across the top of the scalp may be recommended.
- Minimizes the creases that develop across the forehead, or those that occur high on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes
- Improves what are commonly referred to as frown lines
- Repositions a low or sagging brow that is hooding the upper eyelid
- Raises the eyebrows to a more alert and youthful position
Our Expressions Reveal How We Feel
When we are angry we may frown, creating a furrowed forehead or brow. Alow or sagging brow may make us appear sad or tired – even when we arenot.
Unfortunately, for some people such characteristics are, or can become, permanent – either as a result of overactive muscles in the forehead and brow region, heredity, or the way in which we age. If youare bothered by the development or presence of expression lines or other signs of aging in the forehead and brow region, a brow lift (also called a forehead lift) may be right for you. In general, a brow lift corrects a low-positioned or sagging brow, smoothes furrows across the forehead and between the brows, and helps to restore a more youthful and relaxed appearance.
It’s a procedure to improve the appearance of your facial region between the upper eyelids and the scalp, extending to the temples. It improves low placement or sagging of the brows, and minimizes the appearance of lines and creases in the forehead. These conditions may be due to heredity or can be attributed to the natural aging process. In some people repeated facial expressions that are created by contraction of underlying muscles result in visible creases and deep furrows. If you have a brow lift it can:
Brow lift surgery can be performed through multiple limited incisions hidden within the hairline or through a single incision in the natural crease of each upper eyelid. Results of a brow lift may be enhanced through laser resurfacing or a chemical peel that can further improve skin tone nd surface appearance. When there is significant excess skin in the forehead, an alternate technique using a wide incision across the top of the scalp may be recommended.
A brow lift can be performed alone or in conjunction with other rejuvenation procedures such as eyelid surgery or a facelift. The procedure is best suited for adult men and women whose facial tissue and muscles are ing ood condition and who have realistic goals for rejuvenation of theupper face. You are an appropriate candidate for this procedure if you are:
- Reduce furrows and other signs of aging in the forehead and brow areas, creating a softer, relaxed and rejuvenated facial appearance
- Minimize the creases that develop across the forehead, or those that occur high on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes
- Improve what are commonly referred to as “frown lines” – vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows
- Reposition a low or sagging brow that is hooding the upper eyelid
- Raise the eyebrows to a more alert and youthful position
- Healthy individual who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
- Non-smoker
- Individual with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for improvement of a low, sagging or furrowed brow
Overall health and personal outlook can greatly impact the outcome of your brow lift procedure. These factors will be carefully evaluated in your consultation with Dr. Guarda. The success of your procedure,safety and overall satisfaction require that you:
- Honestly share your expectations
- Fully disclose health history, current medications, the use of vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
- Commit to following all of your plastic surgeon’s instructions precisely
By making the decision to consult with Dr. Guarda and following all the instructions given, you are taking an important step in helping to assure your safety.
Dr. Guarda is a plastic surgeon certified byT he American Board of Plastic Surgery®. This certification designates Dr. Guarda of having specific training in plastic surgery of the face and entire body.
My brow/forehead lift
Your brow lift will be individualized according to factors such as your skin, muscle tone, forehead height, and bone structure taking into consideration the specific conditions that you wish to correct.Although incisions are typically concealed within hair-bearing scalp,patients who have thinning hair or are bald may still benefit from a brow lift. All of these individual factors will be considered when determining the appropriate technique or combination of procedures to best achieve your realistic goals.
A brow lift is a surgical procedure; non-surgical rejuvenation treatments will not achieve the same results, though in some instances they may help to delay the time at which a brow lift is appropriate. Brow lift incisions typically are closed with removable sutures, skin adhesives, surgical tape or special clips. Brow elevation may be maintained by the use of permanent sutures, small surgical screws, or an absorbable fixation device placed inconspicuously at the temples.
A brow lift may take two hours or more, depending on the extent of rejuvenation, the techniques used and any additional procedures performed at the same time. Rejuvenation procedures typically performed in conjunction with a brow lift include eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes and a facelift to correct aging changes in the mid- to lower face and neck regions.
Skin resurfacing techniques performed in conjunction with a brow lift may further improve your skin tone and surface appearance. Wrinkle reduction by injection may be recommended prior to your procedure to help underlying muscles fully relax before repositioning and tightening, or following your procedure to help maintain results.
Preparing For Surgery
Dr.Guarda will carefully explain the brow lift procedure you will undergo.Prior to your procedure, you will be given specific instructions that may include:
- Pre-surgical considerations, diagnostic testing and medications
- Day of surgery instructions and medications
- Specific information related to the use of anesthesia
- Postoperative care and follow-up
In addition, you will be asked to sign consent forms to assure Dr. Guardathat you fully understand the procedure you will undergo and any risks and potential complications. Risks associated with surgical brow liftsurgery include poor healing of scars, infection, blood clots, bleeding(hematoma) and areas of hair loss or numbness within the scalp, facial asymmetry and risks associated with anesthesia. Facial paralysis is extremely rare, but possible. A forehead lift may also result in anelevated hairline. Risks will be fully discussed prior to your consent.It is important that you address all your questions directly with Dr.Guarda. It is natural to feel some anxiety, be this excitement for the anticipated outcomes or preoperative stress. Discuss these feeling swith Dr. Guarda.
What to expect
A brow lift may be performed in Dr. Guarda’s accredited office-based surgical facility, an ambulatory surgical facility or a hospital. The decision for anesthesia will be based on the requirements of your specific procedure and considerations of patient and Dr. Guarda’s preference. Dr. Guarda and the assisting staff will fully attend to your comfort and safety.
Following surgery
Your brow lift will be individualized according tofactors such as yourskin, muscle tone, forehead height, and bone structure taking intoconsideration the specific conditions that you wish to correct.Although incisions are typically concealed within hair-bearing scalp,patients who have thinning hair or are bald may still benefit from abrow lift. All of these individual factors will be considered whendetermining the appropriate technique or combination of procedures tobest achieve your realistic goals.
A browlift is a surgical procedure; non-surgical rejuvenation treatments willnot achieve the same results, though in some instances they may help todelay the time at which a brow lift is appropriate. Brow lift incisionstypically are closed with removable sutures, skin adhesives, surgicaltape or special clips. Brow elevation may be maintained by the use ofpermanent sutures, small surgical screws, or an absorbable fixationdevice placed inconspicuously at the temples.
Progress and healing
A brow lift may be performed in Dr. Guarda’s accredited office-based surgical facility, an ambulatory surgical facility or a hospital. The decision for anesthesia will be based on the requirements of your specific procedure and considerations of patient and Dr. Guarda’s preference. Dr. Guarda and the assisting staff will fully attend to your comfort and safety.